Dear fellow contester,
For the second year, the World Amateur Radio Contesting Association (WARCA) publishes its annual ranking of all active international contesters. The full ranking table for 2022 is available at
Dear fellow contester,
For the second year, the World Amateur Radio Contesting Association (WARCA) publishes its annual ranking of all active international contesters. The full ranking table for 2022 is available at
Results are available
at .
PDF certificates are available at
We hope to see You again on screen in next year 2023.
SPDX RTTY Contest Committe
Outcome of the written procedure with the CEPT Assembly regarding suspension of the Russian Federation and Belarus from CEPT Membership.
Based on a request from a number of CEPT members, the CEPT Presidency carried out a written procedure, in accordance with the CEPT Arrangement, on the proposal to suspend indefinitely and with immediate effect the memberships of the Russian Federation and Belarus in the CEPT.
Thirty-four responses were received to the CEPT Assembly letter in support of the proposal and one abstention.
Based on the above, the CEPT Assembly has therefore decided:
Moreover, the CEPT Presidency requested the Office to take all necessary measures in order to set in place the above-mentioned decisions.
The CEPT Presidency
Dear participants,
The results of the 2022 UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest are now online.
Some of you will notice that their claimed score/QSO’s has gone down.
But, I do take proud to check all logs the best I can.
You can download your contest certifcate from this link.
Make sure that only your call is in the field, and the call like it is in the results.
If you would like to receive your ubn file, please reply to this mail, with your call.
Hope to cu you all again next year.
73 Marc, ON9TT
ORF sendet wieder auf Kurzwelle
13730 kHz 12:00 – 13:00 MEZ Montag bis Samstag
(am Sonntag kein Mittagsjournal)
5940 kHz 18:00 – 18:25 MEZ Montag bis Donnerstag
5940 kHz 18:00 – 18:20 MEZ Freitag
5940 kHz 18:00 – 18:15 MEZ Sonntag
(am Samstag kein Abendjournal)
Rainer Englert DF2NU