Vasco, CS7ACE is currently active from Angola as D2ACE.
Archiv der Kategorie: DX news
FP5KE. From
FP5KE Team will be active from Saint Pierre and Miquelon Islands, IOTA NA – 032, in 2025.
OK5Z – The Moravian Contest Group. From
The Moravian Contest Group is small and young, but very dynamic and bold.
Single Operator DX Pedition in West Africa. From
Usually, it is not a good when your husband disagrees with your parents, but when it comes to amateur radio there is usually nothing you can do to stop them.
SV1GA/A Mount Athos. From
SV1GA/A Team currently active from Mount Athos, Greece.
Contesting on All Bands From 1,8 MHz to 1,3 GHz in OL3Z Style. From
While the majority of Amateur Radio operators choose only a few of the HF bands, below 30 MHz, to participate in contests, there are some broad-minded enthusiasts who go beyond this limit and have as much fun on VHF, UHF and SHF bands.
JW/LB5SH JW2T Svalbard. From
JW2T Team will be active from Svalbard, IOTA EU – 026, 24 – 26 January 2025.
Break through Pile Ups. From
W1DED Video. Top Contesting Secrets: Break Through Pile-Ups Like a Pro!
UA9BA 80 meter Band Spitfires Antennas. From
In this article I describe few construction ideas for 80 meter spitfires and provide the MMANA files for your own evaluation.
The Baker of Heraklion. From
There are many bakeries in the main city of the Greek island Crete. But there is only one with a large HF antenna on the roof.