It is commonplace that people smell a rat about successful persons. Athletes are tested for illegal substances, politicians are placed under scrutiny by other politicians, businessmen are always looked upon with suspicion.
ICOM 7760 sonder Edition
WWA Jan 2025
A Visit with Kamal, 4S7AB in Sri Lanka. From
Kamal, 4S7AB, is probably the most technically advanced Amateur Radio operator in Sri Lanka. He has also the best antenna farm and a very modern and well-equipped radio shack.
A21TX Botswana. From
Bernie, ZS4TX inform that he will be active as A21TX from Botswana, 23 – 26 April 2025.
Video Voice of Victory. From
How radio equipment helped to win World War II.
RDA Award Program. From
The RDA Russian Districts award program and the corresponding RDA Contest have been attracting radio amateurs in Russia and in other countries of the world for over 20 years.
Jurgis, LY9Y – The Radiosport Veteran And A Commendable Father . From
He is of the same age group as myself. In 1961 when he was 14 years old, Jurgis discovered a radio club in the school he attended in Kursenai, a small town near Siaulai in the northern part of Lithuania
Australians are lazy, or for how long you may expect activation of the islands?. From
When my second trip to Kangaroo OC-139 was announced on internet in February 2014, I’ve received few messages from various countries (including Russia) with a common refrain – "Hmmm… almost everyone has got the Island confirmed for so long now, and few who hasn’t – worked with you in the first trip.