W1DED Video. Top Contesting Secrets: Break Through Pile-Ups Like a Pro!
UA9BA 80 meter Band Spitfires Antennas. From DXNews.com
In this article I describe few construction ideas for 80 meter spitfires and provide the MMANA files for your own evaluation.
The Baker of Heraklion. From DXNews.com
There are many bakeries in the main city of the Greek island Crete. But there is only one with a large HF antenna on the roof.
E6RS Niue Island. From DXNews.com
ZL1RS will be active as E6RS from Niue Island, IOTA OC – 040, in May 2025.
T77C San Marino. From DXNews.com
During any discussion about DX where San Marino is mentioned, the callsign T77C are bound to come up.
SV9CVY – Big Gun of Crete. From DXNews.com
I remember when I visited Crete for the first time some 20 years ago, the Amateur Radio activity in the island was quite limited.
UA9BA Stacked Yagi Antennas Vladimir Umanets. From DXNews.com
Ural Mountains are in such geographical position thatthree of the most populated areas – Europe, Asia and South-West Pacific – are in the opposite directions from UA9A,C,F,J,W. So, a high scoring effort from the Urals without illuminating these areas at the same time while running is impossible nowadays
DXNews Forum is Alive!. From DXNews.com
As requested by many of our viewers, DXNews now feature a Forum covering the most important topics related to Amateur radio.
How to support DX News. From DXNews.com
For many years DXNews.com has been publishing information for Radio Amateurs. And now you can support DXNews.com
C5PL Gambia. From DXNews.com
C5PL Team will be active from Gambia, 1 – 6 February 2025.