Schlagwort-Archive: AF-057

5R8WG IOTA AF057, Madagascar

From 11-22 October a team will be active from Nosy Be (IOTA AF057), Madagascar. The team members are:
5R8WP – Ron PA3EWP
5R8WG – Geunter DL2AWG
5R8MM – Erno DK2AMM
5R8CG – Gerben PG5M
We will run two station simultaneously and will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.
Each station consists of an Elecraft K3 with SPE Expert 1.3K-FA amplifier. Spare radios are SunSDR2 PRO and IC7300.
Antennas will be a Hexbeam for 6-20m, DX Commander for 10-40m, 30m vertical with elevated radials, 80m vertical and 160m vertical.
Depending on internet availability, we will update our logs on Clublog on a daily basis.
QSL information:
5R8WP, 5R8WG and 5R8MM via DL2AWG (Clublog and later LoTW)
5R8CG via PG5M (Clublog and later LoTW)